The Walking In Between
The Good
Hello beautiful people,
As of Monday we have been here for 8 months, officially a third of the way through our two year commitment. Whoa buddy!
In this season, we've seen so much breakthrough personally in our burden for Ireland, for our region, and our town of Enniscorthy. We love these people. We love the opportunity we have to sow into the Kingdom here.
Also in the past few months we have expanded our outreach as a church and as missionaries. Two months ago, I finally got to start volunteering in the pediatric unit at our local county hospital on a weekly basis. It's been such an awesome opportunity to be back in a hospital setting, which is one of my favorite places to work, and to meet the patients and families that come through our playroom doors. Additionally, our church has launched an outreach of doing random acts of kindness around our town during the week. It has been amazing to see the church grab hold of that and many testimonies have come out of it.
This past month, the incredible tour of people coming to Ireland to visit us began. It still overwhelms me when I think about all of them. Our friends and family visiting are reminders of home, of the sweetest parts of community, and of the people that are running alongside us in our mission. Logan & Johanna Cole came and stayed with us this past week, after finishing up their year long mission in Gulu, Uganda, and we got to travel with them to the Aran Islands off the West Coast. I'll tell you something about Logan & Johanna Cole, try as you might to give to them, to bless them and to pour into them, THEY WILL OUTDO YOU. They came and poured into us so much that we were bursting at the seams when they pulled away on the bus. It has been an honor for James and me to walk alongside them in their mission and we are SO excited to see what God has in store for them in this next season.
The Bad
At the same time as all of that GREATNESS and GOODNESS is being poured out into our lives, I find myself at times so discouraged. Discouraged that I don't get the Irish people; what goes through their minds, how they understand the world, how to minister to them. Discouraged that seed being sown is oftentimes caught up in the thorns of life circumstances, being taken by the devil, or just that the gestation period is longer than my impatient heart can handle. And boy am I homesick for Texas. So homesick that I've resorted to upping my intake of country music and buying various Texas t-shirts online.
It's hard. No one ever promised it would be easy. BUT MAN is it hard sometimes to not grow weary in doing good.
The Mommas Who Help Us Through It All
And in the midst of me ruminating on the good, the bad, and the ugly of it all the Lord sweetly reminded me on Mother's Day of the mommas he has provided James and I during this season who are constant through it all.
The mommas who have loved us for over two decades now. Who despite being an ocean away never cease to pour out wisdom, to answer questions about adulthood we're still not sure about, and continue to speak truth in love. Mommas who have handled their children being away from them, for two years in another country, with so much grace and understanding.
Then God brought to mind our Irish mommas. The ones he has blessed us with when our own moms aren't a drive away. The ones who walk in on a Sunday morning, look at us with those piercing eyes, like they are looking inside of you, and ask "how are you?" The ones who read our homesickness like a red flag and come over to give us a hug. The ones who invite us into their home and push food and tea on us til' our bellies our overflowing (since our own food pusher moms can't do it themselves).
To our moms back home, boy do we miss seeing you! We love you so much!!!
To our Irish stand-in moms, thank you for taking us in under your wing.
To all of the people who continue to speak life into us, who intercede for us, who give to us financially, THANK YOU!!!
God, thank you for providing during the sweet mountain top moments of this season, low valleys, and all the in-between.
This Beautiful Country
P.S. Here are a few more pictures of all of our travels recently across Ireland...
Glendalough-we got to hike here with Drew.
St. Patrick's Park in Dublin-it was a sunny day in Ireland so everybody was sun bathing.
A pub on the small island of Inis Oirr.
One of the dolphins that hangs out around Inis Oirr and a scuba diver that was swimming with it.
He's some of my favorite scenery, always.
The sweater market on Inis Mor, wool is one of the island's major exports.
This is my friend Ole' Bess, she lives on Inis Mor, one of the prettiest places I've ever seen. I don't know if she realizes how blessed she is compared to the cows that live in West Texas.
Overlooking Inis Oirr; it is such a beautiful little island, where everybody speaks Irish, and the culture is so wonderfully preserved.