Our Upcoming Summer Mission
Hi Friends and Family,
We are now in 2017 and it's been a hot minute since we have gotten to catch up with you all. We apologize, 2017 has taken off like a rocket and left us running to catch up. We've had awesome, incredible breakthroughs this year including James' beginning two new jobs. Then we started making plans to move out of James' parent's house and will be officially moving out in 5 short days. Those have been much awaited, highly anticipated answers to prayers during this season. We are so thankful for the ways that God has answered those prayers beyond what we could have imagined. If you want to know a little bit more about our transition season James wrote a blog on this through Modern Day (one of the organizations we partnered with), here's the link, Navigating Transition.
We've also had unexpected, rough events that have left us hurting in 2017. This past week my grandmother, my dad's mom, passed away. She had been battling cardiac issues and blood cancer for years but this weekend her health took an unexpected turn for the worse and before we knew it she had left us here on earth for heaven. She was a woman who had been looking forward to heaven for awhile and wasn't afraid to say it. And as much as I know she's enjoying it right now, the unexpectedness of losing this woman who has been a mainstay in my life left our family with the breath knocked out of us.
All in all, it's February 19 of 2017, and I feel like I've already felt every emotion known to man. But we are choosing to hope in God, who has continued to sustain us, through both the good and the bad.
What's Next for 2017
Two big things that we are looking forward to in 2017 that we wanted to share with you all are...
1. Graduating from our discipleship school in May // We are now on our second semester of the school and in many ways beginning to see the providence of God in putting us in this place. James worded it really well the other day when he said "when we left the mission field there were some things broken and bruised in us. What this school has been is a cast for us, healing and re-setting some hurt and wrong ideas that had developed in order that we may be healed and whole." That is exactly what it has been for us, and I'm so grateful for it.
2. Summer Mission Trip to Belgium // A part of our discipleship school is to cap it off with a short term mission trip after classes end in May. Our class will be heading to Brussels, Belgium from June 15-24 to kick-off a church plant where we will be laying groundwork for 10 days through prayer, worship, and outreach. Brussels is a hub of Europe, it's where the United Nations meets, and where many refugees have re-located. We believe that it is a gateway to reach the nations. James and I believe that the modern day revival is happening in Europe and we want to continue seeing not just Europeans but those who reside in Europe from all over the world having the opportunity to hear and see the gospel in action.
Where You Come In
So many of you chose to partner with us our past two years of being missionaries in Ireland and we are excited to continue to partner with you as we embark on this next mission to Belgium.
Here are two ways you can join in with us...
1. We need to raise a total of $5,400 for both James and I to go on this trip to Belgium. We are beginning fundraising now and would love if you would pray about giving to our trip.
If you would like to donate online you can go here, Antioch Missions and click on "Missionaries and Short Term Trips-Donate Now" then scroll down to "Brussels Summer Outreach" and type in our names with the amount you want to donate.
You can also send in a check, made out to Antioch Dallas. Just include my name and "Brussels ADS trip" on the memo line. All contributions to Antioch are tax-deductible.
2. We also need your prayer support, not only for us as a short term team, but even more so for the long term team that is being sent out from our church. Prayers specifically for provision, community, team unity and open doors in Brussels among Europeans, immigrants and refugees.
James and I are so excited and expectant for all that God is going to do through this church plant in Belgium. We are glad you all are the ones we get to do it with a second time around.