You're going where? But, why?

Have you ever jumped headfirst into a commitment for no other reason than you felt God calling you into it? 

To be sure, Molly and I definitely stepped out in faith as we became missionaries in Ireland. Most of you reading this blog either walked closely with us through that season, or supported us financially and with prayer, or some mixture of both. THANK YOU. Honestly, you all changed our lives for the better in that season and God did some incredible work.

Yet, August 2017 began a new season as we returned from Ireland and landed in Dallas Texas. Molly had just landed a dream job, and I was jobless, both of us living with my very gracious parents. (You may have read Molly's blog a few weeks ago about this and it was epic, if you haven't yet, you should go back and read it.) Then in September, with our transition barely even started, God opened up an opportunity to jump into Antioch's School of Discipleship ( a 10 month commitment), and we took it. 

"WHY?", you ask? We weren't sure entirely, and we were quite intimidated by the journey, but we felt God's direction and we knew it would be for our good. So we dove in headfirst. 

Thus began a season where on a weekly basis we questioned whether we had what it took to finish. We experienced the joys of a new and deepening community, along with the pain of sharing each other's burdens. We learned epic things about God's heart for us and for the nations from pastors and missionaries from all over the world. We spent hours each week preparing, reading books, writing reflections, and applying what we learned to our lives. We began to see each of the individuals and families in our class as a team, and we got excited as we noticed God growing and maturing each of us every single week. The books we have read, the things we have heard, the discussions we have had, the prayers and advice spoken, and the disciplines we have put into practice are irreplaceable, and I am so thankful that we were given the opportunity to join into this team. God truly knew what He was doing. The injured parts of us have begun the process of healing, our foundation has been re-established, and we are known and loved in an incredible community. That is how life-changing this discipleship school has been for us.

And now, this weekend we are graduating from Antioch's Discipleship School and we are so excited. 

YET THERE IS ONE THING LEFT FOR US TO DO TO COMPLETE THE JOURNEY... WE NEED YOUR HELP to become fully funded to go on the Discipleship School's Brussels Mission Trip. 

We have less than one week left!

In only 6 days we board our flight to head over to Brussels for our 2-week mission! That is SO SOON! This is the capstone to our whole discipleship school, the mission we have all been praying for these past 10 months!

So here's the skinny: As of tonight we are 56% fundraised for the trip. That means we only need $1,980 to be fully funded. That's it! To everyone who has been praying for us and has given, THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Our goal: To be fully funded by midnight Sunday, June 11.

How do you play a part? Take a moment, ask God to provide for us, and see what God says. Thats it. Plain and simple.

And if you'd like to invest in us going on mission to Brussels, YOU ARE AMAZING. Here's the link!

To be honest, God has provided for us in crazy ways over the years, and we're guessing this will be no different. You guys have been with us through the thick and thin and we know whatever God tells you to do, you act on it, 100%. This is just an opportunity to jump into what God is going to do in Brussels and in us the next two weeks. 

Why Brussels?

Every year, as a final part of Antioch's Discipleship School, the class goes on an overseas mission trip as to experience and practice what we have been learning throughout the year. Last year our church sent a team to Brussels as well and they encountered over 100 different nations!

This is a unique opportunity for the Church to reach the world, and our church is responding again with two primary purposes: to build on what was started last year in Brussels, and to begin to a church plant right there in the city!

As of right now, there is already an Antioch team of about 10 people in Brussels who are committed to be there either for the whole summer or for a whole year. Our class' job will be to travel to Brussels, and for two weeks, help jumpstart their mission there in any way we can. 

As many of you know, Brussels is the home to the European Union. This places the city as the centerpoint to European politics and global interest. Not only that, there is a flood of refugees and immigrants from various parts of Eastern Europe and the Middle East, which has led to a cultural hotbed of religions and people groups never before seen in the same city until now! 

So here are several things we are hoping to see God do the next several weeks that you can be praying for. First, we need our discipleship class to be unified, protected, and bold to share our faith with the people we meet. Second, we need God to give favor and wisdom for the church planting team who will be there long after we leave. Third, for the people of Brussels to find peace and security in Jesus Christ, and for the hearts of every culture and refugee group to be open to receive the Gospel. 

Thanks everyone, we can't do this alone, and your support and prayers are powerful! We can't wait to share with you what God does in Brussels in a few weeks!