Question of the Week: How Do You Feel About Leaving for Ireland?
In the past two weeks, especially as the days til' our departure to Ireland dwindles from weeks to days, we have been asked this question many times! It is a perfectly decent question. The problem is that the answer changes from moment to moment and day to day for me. I've continued to think about this question in the in-between moments of saying goodbye to people, packing, spending sweet time with our families, and calculating the amount of items we can cram into 4 suitcases; and I think I've reached some semblance of an answer, for the moment. 1. I feel like our ending in Abilene was the greatest EVER.
We left Abilene on Wednesday night, being sent out from the place we had spent most of our Wednesday nights for the past 4 years. The college ministry at our home church in Abilene provided a journey of a lifetime in a mere 4 years for me. Through Beltway College Park I experienced what discipleship looked like, the greatest of friendships, an example of godly relationships, and the church becoming my home. 4 years after I attended my first College Park as a freshman at ACU, I stood on the stage with my husband and we were being prayed over to be sent to Ireland as missionaries. We were being sent out by the people who had laid down their lives for us, enabling us to boldly go where God has called us. Some of you were in that auditorium last Wednesday and some of you were not, but for all of the people that have generously poured into our lives through College Park I just need to say "thank you." Thank you for all that you sacrificed so that we could grow and mature. Thank you for all the times you gave us abundant grace and mercy when we messed up. Thank you for calling us to higher things; the things of the Kingdom rather than the lusts of this world. It is your legacy we are carrying onto Ireland. It is your legacy of faith that is changing nations.
2. I feel like Psalm 46 is my foundation when everything else is shifting.
The past 4 weeks our pastor has been preaching a sermon series on Psalm 46: choosing to take time to stop, be still, and know Him. The challenge was to have 21 days of stillness, to take time each day whether it be 10 minutes or 30, to put down technology and just listen to what God says. One suggestion was to take that time and meditate on Psalm 46, so I decided to try it out for 21 days and the craziest thing began happening.
Here I am putting all of my belongings in storage; pictures, my grandma's dishes, mementos from our wedding. As much of a minimalist as I am it was hard to put those things in boxes and know I'm not going to see it for 2 years. As I was wrestling with packing a verse came to mind,
"God is our refuge and strength." (Psalm 46:1)
And then I find myself saying bye to the friends I love the most and at the same time worrying about making friends in Ireland and these words ring in my head...
"He is a very present help in time of trouble. Therefore we will not fear." (Psalm 46:1-2)
When I look at the news each day and feel overwhelmed at all the evil that is apparent around the world, a world I'm about to take an even bigger leap into, God says,
"The nations rage, the kingdoms totter, [I] utter [my] voice, the earth melts." (Psalm 46:6)
Sometimes, when I get caught up in this really prideful lie that I am getting to go to Ireland and I am getting to do missions and I am getting to travel across the world, the Holy Spirit reminds me...
"Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" (Psalm 46:10) (a.k.a. this is not about you babe!)
And in the midst of all of my feelings about Ireland, Psalm 46 continues to be scripture that I can stand on. No matter what is going on in my heart, no matter what things are running through my head screaming for my attention, and no matter how many times I say goodbye; Psalm 46 has provided exactly what I needed.
3. I feel like ya'll have made leaving something I will never forget.
We are as of 2 days ago, 80% funded! And with every new person that gives, every prayer prayed over us, and every word spoken into us we feel that much more loved and encouraged. We feel like we can take on the world knowing that you have our backs.
You have made this season of preparation one that will forever be written on our hearts as a time where we saw God move through His people in extravagant ways. Each of you have loved us in a way that mirrors the love of Christ and we cannot wait to pour that out on the people of Ireland.
10 more days til' we leave for Ireland...
10 more days of soaking up the goodness of this place we call home...
It feels pretty wonderful!
Love you to Ireland and back,