The Missionary Marathoner
Dearest friends and family, Thank you for your prayers as we put on our first parties at Alive Church this past Halloween weekend. Both parties were a smashing success of fun filled, candy crazed, friendly competitiveness. I have photos below of some of our party fun, sadly I didn't get any during the youth party, but there are a few from the SuperKids Fun Night.
As we approach our 2 month anniversary here in Enniscorthy I was thinking back to the advice that we've been given during these first few months and how it has impacted our beginning here. As I thought back I found that the most quoted piece of advice to me these past 2 months has been this,
"What you are doing here is a marathon, not a sprint."
I'm sure this is something most missionaries know because they live it day in and day out. But it wasn't something I was prepared for nor do I have a natural bent towards it. You see, I tend to like the things in life you can sprint through. Sprints provide beginnings and endings you can see quickly. Sprints don't require as much preparation or recovery. Sprints allow you to see the results on the scoreboard faster. I like to see results, I like to check things off of my list, and I like to get feedback immediately, especially in my job.
But as we come up on our 2 month anniversary of being here in Ireland, working for Alive Church, and praying into this country I see myself in the beginning mile of a marathon. There are some days James and I come home and find ourselves so frustrated because we didn't see any visible fruit after a youth service or after meeting with people. There are days that it feels like we are literally getting NOTHING accomplished. I end the day and not ONE thing has been checked off my never ending to do list. There are days that I don't "feel" this whole missionary thing at all.
Ironically enough, during this time I've felt pulled to go back and read the gospel accounts during my time with Jesus and guess what I found, Jesus' 3 years in public ministry was a marathon too. It wasn't one fantastic highlight reel of every miracle he had ever done, there was some pretty sucky times thrown in there as well. I mean talk about not seeing much fruit, the 12 disciples during the 3 years they walked with Jesus weren't always the quickest or fastest bloomers in the Kingdom. Let's be real. And he had handpicked them for the task of beginning his Church. I mean James and I are hoping to further his church in one small part of the world, Jesus was STARTING THE CHURCH SO THAT THE WHOLE WORLD MAY KNOW GOD. Talk about starting a movement, he was starting THE movement. Jesus though being fully God was also at times fully frustrated when he didn't see the fruit of his ministry either. In Mark 11 he comes across a fig tree looking for something to eat because he was hungry, he doesn't find any fruit and ends up cursing the tree. I would say at the time he was pretty frustrated and "hangry." As I read through the gospel accounts, this time as a missionary, my spirit continues to be refreshed as I am reminded again and again that,
"We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses." (Hebrews 4:15)
A.K.A. HE GETS ME!!! Not just when I finish my ministry to do list but on the days that I'm wanting to scream and throw a 3 year old temper tantrum because I didn't finish anything on it. So today wherever you are, I just want to remind you that HE GETS YOU. He is able to sympathize with what you are going through, and he wants to help you with it, cause he's the greatest of friends.
We love you all so very much!!! Your prayers and love refresh us here. If you ever want a front seat to some of our ministry here you are always welcome to wake up and watch our lives stream Sunday mornings; where you will see James leading worship and our Pastor Enda Long preaching the word. Here is the link:
Last but not but at all least here's our sneak peek into how we celebrated here at Alive Church!!! Enjoy!