What God Gave Me For My 23rd Birthday

Hello Friends & Family whom I love and miss, A week ago I turned 23 years old. On these momentous occasions, I tend to enjoy taking time to stop and look around at all that is going on around me. It's something I've liked to do for as long as I can remember, and something I want to continue to do as I grow older. However, this year was significantly different when I took a moment to stop and look around.

I realized for the first time in my life that I was in a place that I never had planned to be, at the age of 23. EVER, LIKE NEVER. To some, this may not seem that huge. For the kid that has kept a planner since the 1st grade (and loved it I might add), who has had a general plan for her life since she was 11 years old that up until now had generally worked out the way she thought, who likes organization and has spent the past few weeks methodically organizing every part of their new apartment including the "junk drawer"; this was a monumental discovery.

When I came upon this realization I found myself shaken to the core. I am literally sitting on an island with my husband with the hopes to create an impact through the local church that will impact a nation. The past month I've found oftentimes that in this place of not being where I planned, God is totally peeling back everything I hold to as safe and within my comfort zone. What I have found behind all of those peelings is a whole lot of fear, insecurity, uncertainty, and fussiness (as my husband likes to call that particularly fleshy part of me). And to see myself in this light has not been fun at all!

BUT at the same time that God was revealing all of this nastiness in me, he also showed me something else he had been up to through the story of a girl and her beloved lion Aslan. My husband's favorite book series growing up was the Chronicles of Narnia and when he discovered a few years ago that I had only read one book of the series, he had made it his mission to enlighten me. So these past few weeks I decided to get started on the series again, and a few nights ago I found myself in the fourth book of the series, Prince Caspian. Lucy, the youngest of the 4 children in the book, finds herself being called to the Lion whom she hasn't seen since the last time they were in Narnia.

As she walks up to him her first comment is,

"Aslan, you're bigger."

He responds to her saying,

"I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger."

And I could just hear the Spirit speak to me in that moment and say, "This year I know you are feeling weaker, smaller, and more inadequate than you ever have felt before, but that's not the point. The point is I'm bigger than what you once thought. This year let me just reveal to you how big I am, Molly."

Since that revelation, I've seen it play out in so many moments this past week. When I've felt scared, nervous, and fleshy he's shown himself to be BIGGER...

Last week James and I decided to start a lifegroup with the youth and so we planned it, set everything up, and were just waiting for people to arrive. In the meantime I'm sitting there convincing myself that nobody is going to show up to this, I mean they have enough things going on in their life? Why would they come to lifegroup? They have never even heard the word "lifegroup" prior to a few days ago. Then we have 5 kids from our youth group show up that first night hungry and totally ready to receive!!! What?!

Then there was my birthday, which was amazing, but I was missing my family and friends oh so much. I come back from a day of adventuring to our church family who had surprised me with a cake, presents, and their presence. What?!?!

Friday rolled around and James decided to speak on the Father heart of God to our youth group. All day I was nervously wringing my hands, praying, imagining scenarios where a kid who had a bad relationship with their dad burst out crying in the middle of it and gets up and runs off. I know, for the love. INSTEAD, we have a complete breakthrough night where when we open it up for questions at the end, a first time guest decides to ask us basically about the gospel (like all of the best/hardest questions of the Christian faith) and James and I get to present the gospel to him in front of our entire youth group (who are mostly unchurched teens) and they are totally glued in the entire time! WHAT?!?!?!

Then we sit down yesterday and have to have our budget meeting for the month. We're flipping through the numbers and it's like everywhere we turn we have saved money on a big expense, or didn't have to pay that, or were given something for free.

AND I'M SITTING THERE THINKING GOD I GET IT, YOU ARE BIG!!!!!!!! He is so much bigger than my little human mind could ever comprehend and in his grandness, goodness, and mercy he decided to care about little old me who so often doubts him and attempts to constrict him to a smaller version of who he is.

This year, my 23rd year, is going to be good. I know it beyond a shadow of a doubt, because in being called here to Ireland to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ, God has brought me to the realization that He is bigger than what I have ever known or seen before. That is going to make all of the difference this year, I just know it.

Lastly, thank you guys for all of the love and prayers you are sending our way. From the Facebook messages we have received to the sweet comments on this blog, you have blessed us immensely.

We love ya'll!

P.S. Here are pictures from Waterford, Ireland, our tour of the Waterford Crystal Factory, and our first rugby match (Enniscorthy vs. Kildare, Enniscorthy won)...

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